10. máj – Nagasaki


EN: The journey from Osaka to Nagasaki took quite a lot of time, but I was expecting that. I managed to do some of my work on the train, so once I arrived to my hotel, I could take my camera and head straight out. Although I didn’t have much time and my plan was rather limited, but I thing I still managed to visit quite a few important sights, including Mount Inasa and its Great Night View of Nagasaki. I of course visited the Peace Park, we all know that Nagasaki was the second city which suffered from the A-bomb attack, the local museum is even more rough than the one in Hiroshima – some of the pictures and models were really scary and sad (you can actually see some glass bottles and plates melted together because of the heat caused by the explosion on few pictures). Afterwards I headed to the city center, where I took some pictures of the port and former Dutch factory Dejima, but the main plan was to get up to Mount Inasa and to enjoy the night view of Nagasaki, which I did. It’s a shame I didn’t have time to take the ferry to Hashima Island, which was featured in the latest James Bond film Skyfall.

SK: Cesta do Nagasaki trvala dosť dlhú dobu, to mesto som ale v každom prípade chcel vidieť. Okrem toho, že sa tam nachádza jeden z Three great night views, je to veľmi pekné prístavné mestečko (počtom obyvateľov blízke Bratislave, no rozlohou je trochu inde). Navštívil som samozrejme Peace Park a múzeum, potom som smeroval do centra a do prístavu, na železničnej stanici som bol svedkom nejakej čínskej oslavy, tancovali tam ľudia s drakom (video neskôr). Večer som sa vyviezol lanovkou nad Nagasaki, kde som spravil niekoľko fotiek a stretol som tam sympatických Čechov, s ktorými som šiel neskôr von…Takže všetko dobre dopadlo, fotky nižšie. (Áno, na tých fotkách z múzea sú roztavené veci, ktoré takto dopadli pri výbuchu Fat Mana).


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