Flower Festival – Showa Kinen Koen


EN: There is never enough of spring and flowers. I was inspired by a friend’s visit of Showa Kinen Koen park, which holds the spring flower festival these days. I think this is worth it, even though I did not have much time, going there straight from my work. Tulips and their colours were really magical, so it was worth every minute.

SK: Kvetov a jarnej nálady nie je nikdy dosť. Od kamarátky som získal inšpiráciu a navštívil som Showa Kinen Koen park, ktorý každú jar usporadúva festival kvetov. Jeho dominantou sú prevažne tulipány, no boli tam aj iné kvety. Nemal som priveľa času, keďže do parku som šiel priamo z práce a je to štreka asi tak na 50 minút, no každá minúta stála za to.

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