Chichibu and Manjushage park

Shibazakura in Chichibu

EN: This was actually a trip sponsored by the company I work for, which is great. Shibazakura flowers were not yet in their full majesty, but they were still beautiful and the park with blooming sakuras almost 2 weeks later after the peak of the season in Tokyo were a major bonus. Later on we moved to Manjushage park, which greeted us with sakura petals falling in the wind, which was even more rewarding. Great trip, I say.

SK: Tento výlet bol sponzorovaný firmou, pre ktorú pracujem, čo je skvelé. Vybrali sme sa do mestečka Chichibu (na tomto webe som už čosi o ňom písal), kde sme si pozreli rozkvitnuté polia kvetov shibazakura, tie ešte síce neboli v plnom rozkvete, no park so sakurami kvitnúcimi 2 týžne po sezóne v Tokiu boli obrovským bonusom. Neskôr sme sa presunuli do parku Manjushage, kde sme vďaka vetru zažili padajúce kvety sakúr a to bol výborný koniec výletu.

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