Deň 19 / Day 19 – Yokohama 1


EN: As I did not have a very nice time in the Edo Open Air museum, next day I decided to visit Yokohama, as the weather prediction was much more positive. Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan (when it comes to the number of inhabitants), but technically it is still a part of Tokyo – both together creating the world’s largest urban area. There are quite a few things to see in Yokohama, my plan is to visit it again later on (which I did, actually – comment from August 2014). This time I wanted to finish the hanami season in Sankeien Garden, which is a part of national cultural heritage and is considered as one of the most beautiful in Japan. There is a three-story pagoda built in 1457, which may be quite interesting for the people who admire Japanese architecture. There are actually many more old houses in the garden, which are just as interesting as the ones in the Open Air museum in Tokyo. The entry is only 500 yen, which is rather cheap, the only downside is that the garden is on the outskirts of Yokohama, in a part, which cannot be reached by train. I decided to walk to the garden, I took the train station bus on my way back, once again, putting my SUICA card into good use. The experience of the garden visit was slightly hampered by numerous wedding crews frequently occupying the best photo spots of the garden, but I guess the park needs the money from such sources, so I had to hold on and wait…Anyway, I can only recommend this place and Yokohama as well, but I will return to that in another post.

SK: Keďže včera, teda v nedeľu, som zmokol v Open Air múzeu, na pondelok bola predpoveď pozitívna, rozhodol som sa teda vypadnúť do Yokohamy. Je to druhé najväčšie mesto v Japonsku, hoci technicky je súčasťou Tokia, keďže obe mestá vytvárajú obrovský megalopolis. Yokohama má taktiež čo ponúknuť, takže sa tam určite ešte aspoň raz vrátim (v pláne mám Minato Mirai a aj najväčší China Town v Japonsku), no tento krát som si vybral kvôli končiacej hanami sezóne Sankeien Garden, teda park, ktorý patrí medzi najkrajšie v Japonsku a je aj zaradený do národného dedičstva. V parku je aj trojposchodová pagoda, ktorá bola postavená v roku 1457, čo je naozaj zaujímavé. Záhrada je na okraji mesta, v susedstve masívnej priemyselnej oblasti, takže niektoré fotky ponúkajú výhľad práve na ňu. Návšteva stála za to, vstupné bolo iba 500 yenov, hoci celú atmosféru neustále narúšali svadobčania (teda aspoň myslím, že to boli svadobčania) so svojimi sprievodmi a fotografmi, ktorí značne obmedzovali premávku a v niektorých momentoch vrieskali ako zmyslov zbavení. Bolo ich dosť, na každom kroku, čo ma v pondelok popoludní dosť prekvapilo. V každom prípade som spokojný a ak si niekto zmyslí vycestovať do Japonska, určite odporúčam.


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