

EN: Since I am still jetlagged from my visit of Slovakia, I decided to use today’s positive weather prediction and I visited Enoshima. I actually left my flat at around 5AM, so I was there on the place at 7:15AM, therefore there were no crowds and almost no people. Given the fact that there is a national holiday on Monday, it was a good decision, because when I was returning back to the station at around 1PM, there were massive crowds of people pouring into the island and long queues were forming everywhere.

Since I arrived to Enoshima too early, most of the services were closed and that includes all the escalators. I purchased One Day Free-Pass at Odakyu, which includes the return trip on Odakyu railway from Shinjuku and it also covers the entrance to the caves, gardens, viewing spot/lighthouse and it can bee used on those paid escalators. The little sidewalks on the island are rather steep, so if anyone has a problem with walking up the steps, please avoid the arrival before 9AM – that is the time when they switch on the escalators. Considering that the pass cost only 1970 yen, it was still definitely worth it.

The caves are nothing special, to be honest, but there was a nice touch – every visitor receives a little candle on the stick, which is supposed to be carried around, so it creates a bit different atmosphere. Once again, if you want to reach the caves, you have to accept the presence of many steps and this time no escalator will help you out.

Enoshima is known for its shrine complex, but also for the views of Mt. Fuji, when the weather allows it. I was lucky, plus I arrived early enough, so the view was more clear in the morning than later. The island is also famous for its numerous cat population (it is regarded as one of the “cat islands” of Japan), so you can see the felines pretty much everywhere. There is also an aquarium nearby, but since I have seen many of those and the entrance fee is around 2000 yen, I just decided not to go.

SK: Keďže ešte stále trpím jetlagom po návšteve Slovenska, rozhodol som sa využiť priaznivú predpoveď počasia a navštívil som Enoshimu. Toto miesto som nikdy predtým do svojich plánov nezahrnul, takže som si spestril víkend. Z bytu som odchádzal už skoro ráno o piatej, priamo na mieste som bol už o 7:15 ráno, takže som si mohol naplno užiť celý ostrov a okolie bez tlačeníc a davov. Toto rozhodnutie (výsledok jetlagu) bolo napokon správne, keďže v pondelok je v Japonsku štátny sviatok a počas môjho odchodu približne o jednej popoludní boli všade davy ľudí a kde sa dalo, tam sa tvorili rady.

Na návštevu Enoshimy som si kúpil Free Pass od železničnej spoločnosti Odakyu, ktorý zahŕňa spiatočnú cestu zo Shinjuku a okrem toho aj návštevu jaskýň, vyhliadkovej veže/majáka, záhrady a aj využitie eskalátorov. Na ostrove je totiž naozaj slušný počet schodov a ľudia sa im preto chcú vyhnúť, ja som to ale vzhľadom na môj skorý príchod nemohol, pretože eskalátory “otvárali” až o deviatej. Ak má teda niekto problém so schodmi, tak vie, že si má na všetko počkať.

V prípade dvoch malých jaskyniek vám ale nič nepomôže, tam eskalátory nie sú vôbec. Jaskyne neboli nijako fascinujúce, no potešil malý detail – každý návštevník dostal sviečku na akomsi drevenom držiaku a to vytvorilo celkom zaujímavú atmosféru. Enoshima je okrem iného známa nie len komplexom svätýň, ale aj výhľadom na Mt. Fuji v prípade dobrého počasia. Ja som mal šťastie, takže ho zbadáte na niekoľkých fotkách. Na ostrove žije mnoho mačiek, ktoré si užívajú popularitu a stretnete ich na každom kroku. Neďaleko vstupu na ostrov, hneď vedľa pláže, je aj akvárium, no to som nenavštívil, keďže som ich doteraz videl dosť a nejavím o ne veľký záujem.

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