Mt. Takao in autumn


EN: Autumn colours are still here. I was supposed to do the trip to Mount Takao (little mountain on the outskirts of Tokyo) with my friend the day before, but the weather was rubbish, therefore we postponed it until today. And it was indeed a very good decision. The weather was beautiful, the autumn colours were in nice contrast with blue sky and 9km long hiking trip was all worth it. A bit of waiting at the end, when returning from approx. half of the mountain down to its base on a chairlift (protecting my knees, concrete pathways are rather steep and not good for walking down), but still – a day well spent, with views of Tokyo plateau and even Mt. Fuji.

SK: Jesenné farby sa tu ešte stále držia, pôvodne som mal navštíviť vrch Mount Takao už včera, no spoločne s kamarátom sme sa rozhodli, že to presunieme nadnes, keďže včerajšie počasie bolo doslova otrasné. Dnešok bol ako vymenený a jesenné farby boli v skvelom kontraste s modrou oblohou a dobrou viditeľnosťou. Výlet stál za tých 9km turistiky, prevýšenie takmer 600 metrov smerom hore, nazad sme sa z asi polovice spustili lanovkou dole, keďže sme si nechceli zničiť kolená na dosť nešťastnom betónovom chodníku pod značne strmým uhlom. Trochu sme si síce počkali, ale tá polhodina neskazila celý trip.

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