Prvý úspech / My first success

EN: I selected the date of arrival to Japan for the 18th of March because of two reasons. One – hanami season (sakura blooms) usually starts in that time, or a bit later. Two –  one of the biggest Anime fairs (Anime Japan 2014) in the world was about the happen in Tokyo Big Sight on the following weekend and I didn’t want to miss that one. And getting there was a bit complicated. You see – you can buy the tickets for most of the events in Japan in convenience stores like Lawson or 7Eleven, but the machines you are supposed to operate while purchasing them do not know the English (or other) language. So it wasn’t easy to do that, but I successfully used my small bits of Japanese language skills and asked the local staff to help me out. I managed to get the ticket and I was looking forward to that event…

SK: Po asi desaťminutovom handrkovaní s pomocou mojej základnej japončiny sa mi napokon podarilo v 7Eleven (sieť obchodov, v ktorých dostať prakticky všetko, majú bankomaty, ktoré akceptujú aj zahraničné karty a dá sa v ich kopírkach kupovať aj kdejaký lístok na praktický hociktoré podujatie) kúpiť lístok na Anime Japan, teda na bývalý Tokyo Anime Fair, ktorý sa bude tento víkend konať v Tokyo Big Sight. Môžem to považovať za level up z japončiny. A naučil som sa ďalšie nové slovíčka, takže z mojej strany spokojnosť.


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