Spiš Castle


EN: So this is my home. I think I posted few photos of Spis Castle in the past, but that was a long time ago. This time I was a “guide” for one Japanese friend, then I met another, so it was rather interesting and a good way to put my poor Japanese skills into practice. The castle and all the details about it can be easily found on Google, since it is a part of UNESCO World Heritage and it is one of the largest castles in Europe.

SK: Niečo z domova, myslím, že som tu už v minulosti nejaké tie fotky z hradu dával, no to bolo určite dávno. Tento krát som bol takpovediac sprievodcom jednému známemu z Japonska, okrem toho sme stretli aj ďalšieho člena z krajiny vychádzajúceho slnka, takže som si aspoň precvičil moju biednu japončinu. Detaily o hrade hlavne pre Slovákov prikladať nemusím – o ňom vedia všetci.

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