2. jún – Shingu


EN: The town of Shingu happened to be rather unplanned stop, after the early morning visit of fish market in Katsuura I still had quite a lot of time before I wanted to go back to Osaka. Therefore I decided to take the local train to Shingu, where you can find one of the three Kumano shrines, Kumano Hayatama Taisha. It’s a sister shrine of the the one I visited the day before, the third one was out of my reach, being too far from my planned route. Shingu is not very interesting town, I believe its good times were long gone – the other tourist spots are the ruins of Shingu Castle and Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route, but I didn’t have time for that one, of course. So basically, it was just a short visit, I walked across the town, took some pictures and hopped on the express back to Osaka. A little advice – if you take the Limited Express Kuroshio train on your way back to Osaka, take the seat on the left, you can see all the nice sea views at the railway is just next to it. It takes less than 4 hours to get back to Tennoji station in Osaka, so prepare for a long journey.

SK: Shingu sa stalo neplánovanou zastávkou, po ráne na trhu s rybami v Katsuure som sadol na vlak a odviezol sa do mesta, ktoré je známe hlavne jednou z troch Kumano svätýň. Keďže deň predtým som navštívil tú najslávnejšiu, chcel som vidieť aj druhú (na tretiu som už nemal čas). Shingu samo o sebe nie je veľmi zaujímavým mestečkom, okrem spomínanej svätyne sa môže pochváliť iba zrúcaninou hradu, pri ktorej ani nebolo čo odfotiť. Takže tento deň iba krátky, v závere sú fotky z vlaku, scenéria pri ceste z oblasti Kumano do Osaky je veľmi pekná…


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