24. apríl – Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building


EN: After the visit of Nikko I was tired and my legs were in pain, therefore I didn’t plan anything difficult. One of the last sights in my ‘to see’ list was Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which offers free view from its two observatories. This skyscrapper is located in Shinjuku, close to its famous skyscrapper district, it’s just a few minutes walk from Shinjuku station. Both of the observatories are on the 45th floor in the height of 202 meters. You can expect the baggage security search on the bottom before the entry to the lifts, if you have none (I only had my camera with me), you can just ignore that, of course. There were only few people in the observatories, therefore I could take a bit better pictures than usually, which made my day. The views were great, if you don’t want to go through all the waiting times in Tokyo Tower, you can try this one.

SK: Deň po návšteve Nikko som mal nohy ako z dreva a spánkový deficit, takže som si dal už iba niečo, čo mi z návštevy Tokia ešte chýbalo na zozname. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building má názov, ktorý vysvetľuje mnoho, nachádza sa v mrakodrapovej oblasti v blízkosti stanice Shinjuku, iba pár minút chôdze od nej. Ako vidno z titulnej fotky, budova má dve veže a pod vrcholom každej z nich vo výške 202 metrov (45. poschodie) je vyhliadková časť pre návštevníkov, vstup do oboch je zdarma. Jediné, čo vás na prízemí čaká, je prehľadávanie batožiny, ak ale žiadnu nemáte, netýka sa vás to. Budovu som navštívil približne o 11 dopoludnia, nebol tam žiaden náprask, dalo sa bez problémov fotiť, hoci vďaka odrazom fotky nie sú žiadna sláva (teda nie žeby odo mňa niekedy boli, ale aj tak). Výhľad ale skvelý, ako náhrada za Tokyo Tower poslúži adekvátne.


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