EN: I always wanted to see Okinawa and thanks to the Japanese low-cost airline called Peach Aviation it was really easy task to visit it. I just booked a very cheap return flight ticket (around 80 eur) from Kansai International Airport to Naha Airport and booked a hotel. Since you don’t need any visas or anything and it’s a local flight, there are no other problems to be bothered with. Okinawa is a holiday resort, but unfortunately I planned my visit during the rainy season, therefore the weather was adequate. Of course, since it’s a low-cost company, the flight departure was delayed and the same can be said about my journey back, but it wasn’t anything a calm person cannot handle. Once I reached my hotel (Tune Hotel, very nice, considering the price), I took a shower and got out…into another shower, literally. Well, at least it was really, really warm out there. Beware of the local Monorail prices, they are rather high, even compared to Tokyo, but it’s a convenient transport with which you can get pretty much to any important spot in Naha.
SK: Okinawa bola v mojich plánoch už od samého začiatku, k realizácii tejto návštevy prispel aj fakt, že aj Japonci majú svoju vlastnú low-cost leteckú spoločnosť Peach Aviation. Vďaka nej som si zadovážil spiatočnú letenku z letiska Kansai Airport do Nahy za asi 80 eur, čo je skvelá cena, vzhľadom na to, že ide o skoro dve hodiny trvajúci let. Samozrejme, od nízkonákladovky sa veľa čakať nedalo a let bol omeškaný (to sa týka aj toho spiatočného), no do Nahy sme dorazili v poriadku. Nanešťastie pre mňa je na Okinawe akurát teraz sezóna dažďov, takže som prišiel do vlhkého, upršaného prostredia. Do hotela (Tune Hotel, skvelý, môžem iba odporučiť) som sa previezol monorailom (sorry, neviem, ako sa to volá v slovenčine), ktorý je dosť drahý, no neskôr som prišiel na to, že doprava na Okinawe je drahá vo všeobecnosti.
EN: Even though it was raining I didn’t want to sit in the hotel room, therefore I went to have a walk around the local port and streets. Later on the rain intensity increased and I rather returned back to the hotel, but I got out once again in the evening. I headed towards the Kokusai Dori street, which is a famous shopping and entertainment district of Naha, full of colorful lights and neons. The downside of this street is that there are people outside advertising their restaurants/shops/etc., and it becomes a bit of a bother once you get asked 25+ times to enter their shop or whatever else. After a walk around I went back to my room and since it was very close to convenience store, I did some shopping and relaxed.
SK: Aj napriek dažďu som sa vybral do blízkeho okolia a prístavu, spravil som niekoľko fotiek, no keďže lialo poriadne (tropické dažde na Okinawe nie sú mierumilovným poprchávaním), vrátil som sa späť do hotela. Večer som sa rozhodol preskúmať slávnu nákupnú ulicu Kokusai Dori, ktorá je síce atraktívna svojimi svetlami a farbami, no na druhej strane zhoršujú jej návštevu kibici stojaci na ulici, ktorí otravujú každého s letákmi a kadečím iným, len aby ste navštívili ich reštauráciu/bar/fastfood/obchod. Nechcel som to prehánať, keďže sa opäť rozpršalo a na druhý deň ma čakal dlhý výlet po turistických atrakciách, takže som sa vrátil späť do hotela…