EN: This open air museum is rather unique, you can find it in Hakone National Park, in Chokokunomori, to be precise. For me as a person, who is not very much into art, it was probably not that fascinating, but I did like some of the scenes, plus the weather on that day was very nice and the whole place was rather empty, considering the situation back in April. If you are into art and especially if you like Picasso (there is a whole building dedicated to him and his works – the largest collection in the world, apparently), this is a must-visit place for you, not that far from Tokyo.
SK: Toto múzeum umenia je cellkom unikátne, nachádza sa v národnom parku Hakone, konkrétne v dedine Chokokunomori. Ja osobne nie som veľký fanúšik umenia, teda určite nie toho moderného, takže ma vystavené sochy nefascinovali, ale počasie v ten deň bolo naozaj pekné a múzeum bolo relatívne prázdne, vzhľadom na situáciu v apríli tohto roka. Ak máte radi umenie a hlavne Picassa, ktorý má v areáli samostatný pavilón s najväčšou zbierkou jeho umenia na svete, tak toto je miesto pre vás.