EN: The reason why I had a break from blogging was my visit of Slovakia – my home country. I went there just to spend almost 2 weeks with my family and friends, but now I am back in Tokyo. Even at home I did some biking, which I am not doing at the moment in Japan for several reasons and therefore I have no new posts from this place. And since I just wanted to upload something new, here are few photos from my homeland. The castle is called Spiš Castle, more info on wiki. And yes, that is my house and cat.
SK: Pauzu v blogovaní spôsobila moja dovolenka na Slovensku, na krátky čas som sa vrátil k mojej rodine a priateľom. Som už späť v Tokiu, no predsa len som chcel pridať niečo z mojej rodnej hrudy, takže tu sú nejaké fotky.