EN: Catching up with my posts continues. This was the last time I visited the ginkgo avenue, I actually went there on my bike very early in the morning just to avoid all the people, since I knew many of them take the first train to take photos. It was a success, as you can see on the pictures. The other half of them comes from the New Year’s night, during which we visited temple Gotokuji (the birthplace of Maneki Neko – I already posted stuff about it over here) and welcomed the new day.
SK: Pokračujem v dobiehaní postov, tento obsahuje fotky z mojej poslednej návštevy ginkgo avenue v minulom roku, na bicykli som sa tam vybral veľmi skoro ráno, aby som mohol cvaknúť fotky predtým, ako sa tam nahrnú ľudia z prvého vlaku. Podarilo sa, fotky sú toho dôkazom. Druhá polovica pochádza z chrámu Gotokuji (rodisko Maneki Neko), kde sme s kamarátmi uvítali nový rok.