
Harbor in Onomichi

EN: Onomichi is a city in Hiroshima prefecture, it is a so-called gate to the famous Shimanami Kaido (or Nishiseto Expressway) cycling route. Cyclists can use a standalone path built just for them (and small scooters + pedestrians) to get to Shikoku island while hopping from one little island to another on several bridges. The views from the bridges (and not only from them are simply spectacular and thus this cycling path became very famous.

I always wanted to undertake this journey, it is not that long, the ride from Onomichi to Imabari on Shikoku island is roughly 80km long, depending on your selected route (there are different paths, the shortest one, then there is a medium difficulty and also “island explorer”). I rented a bike in bike rental place next to my (Green Hill) hotel and I had my luggage shipped with Kuroneko Yamato, which offers this handy service in a time-limited trial.

In the afternoon and evening I enjoyed the local sights in Onomichi, then I just relaxed (and worked) in the hotel, the following day was supposed to be the start of this short journey.

SK: Onomichi je mesto v prefektúre Hirošima, ktoré je takzvanou vstupnou bránou do cyklistickej magistrály Shimanami Kaido (alebo Nishiseto Expressway). Cyklisti si môžu svoju jazdu na ostrov Šikoku užívať na samostatnej cyklistickej ceste vybudovanej iba pre nich (a pre malé skútre+chodcov), cesta zahŕňa presun po viacerých ostrovoch a mostoch, ktoré ich prepájajú. Výhľady sú naozaj skvelé.

Túto cestu som mal v pláne prakticky od príchodu do Japonska, jej celková dĺžka je asi 80km v závislosti od toho, akú obtiažnosť si cyklista vyberie (najkratšia, stredná a a takzvaný “prieskumník ostrovov”). Bicykel (v nie práve ideálnom technickom stave, ale za lacný peniaz) som si prenajal v obchode neďaleko môjho hotela (Green Hill) a moju batožinu som si dal pred odchodom ráno odoslať službou Kuroneko Yamato do hotela na jednom z ostrovov, v ktorom som strávil noc. Večer som relaxoval a pracoval z izby, pripravoval som sa na nasledujúci deň.

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