EN: This weekend was not entirely great, the weather was typical for England, but the rain finally ceased on Sunday and therefore I decided to go out on my bike. I took the camera with me and visited 3 different parks in Nakano-ku, one of them rather interesting with several statues of important people from our history. I’ll be honest – I did not read anything, I just took the pictures, enjoyed the atmosphere and the greenery for a while and then I moved to another park. It was worth it, the autumn colours are very nice over here, so it was an ideal time to make some pictures.
SK: Tento víkend nepatril k najlepším, počasie nám sem bolo pravdepodobne expresne zaslané z Anglicka, no v nedeľu krátko popoludní sa konečne umúdrilo a spoza mrakov vykuklo aj slnko. Ideálny čas na prevetranie sa na bicykli, vzal som so sebou aj batoh s fotoaparátom, navštívil som tri parky v Nakane a spravil niekoľko fotiek. Ten prvý z nich bol najzaujímavejší, boli v ňom sochy dôležitých mysliteľov našej histórie, no priznám, že som si tam nič neprečítal, čas som trávil iba fotením a užívaním si jesennej atmosféry.