

EN: I had already mentioned that I would do some side trips from Japan and this is the first one. I am visiting Taipei (Taiwan) this weekend, so more photos will probably come later on. Unfortunately the weather is not very nice, but I am still having a good time, relaxing and being a tourist. The pics taken from the observatory in Taipei 101 building were taken through the glass, hence their miserable quality.

SK: Už som v minulosti spomenul, že na tomto blogu sa objavia (v rozpore s jeho názvom) aj fotky z iných destinácií, ktoré navštívim a Taipei na Taiwane je jednou z nich. Počasie mi nanešťastie pre mňa veľmi nevyšlo, no aj napriek tomu sa mi tu celkom páči, hlavne, že je teplo. Viac fotiek sa tu možno objaví neskôr. Fotky z budovy Taipei 101 boli fotené cez sklo.


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