EN: My next trip on Shikoku island was not planned in advance, I just visited the tourist information center and I selected two destinations – Uchiko and Matsuyama. The latter was an easy choice, because of its castle and because it is the capital of Ehime prefecture, the former is a little town, which is famous for its kabuki theater. I am still fond of Japanese history and traditions, so I decided to give it a go. The local guide was great, she spoke very good English, so we communicated in 2 languages, she tried to explain every hidden secret of kabuki theater, which was very interesting.
Matsuyama surprised me in a positive way, unlike “sleepy” Imabari it was full of life and the castle with the massive park below were both beautiful. Definitely worth seeing.
SK: Môj ďalší výlet na ostrove Šikoku nebol vopred naplánovaný, navštívil som turistické centrum a vytýčil som si dva ciele – mestečko Uchiko a hlavné mesto prefektúry Ehime, Matsuyama. Matsuyama nebola žiadnym prekvapením vzhľadom na tamojší hrad, Uchiko je malé mestečko preslávené svojím divadlom Kabuki, Uchiko-za. Bol som príjemne prekvapený tamojšou sprievodkyňou, angličtina trochu zadrhávala, no dohovorili sme sa obomi jazykmi, vysvetľovala priebeh divadelných scén a všetko v pozadí, vrátane “výťahov” pre hercov a podobne. Odporúčam návštevu oboch spomínaných.