EN: Just like Tokyo has Odaiba, even Osaka has its own artificial island filled with attractions for locals and tourists. Probably the most well-know sight is the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, which unlike the one in Shinagawa was actually great. The entry fee is 2300 yen, which is not cheap, but for that money you will see quite a lot. Once again I was unlucky, as there usually is a whale shark over there, but just during my visit it wasn’t. Which is a shame. But still, this aquarium is one of the largest in the world and it’s definitely one of the top tourist spots in Osaka. There is a Tempozan Ferris Wheel just next to the aquarium, which used to be the largest in the years 1997-1999, but many more were built since then. The ride costs 700 yen and it takes roughly 17 minutes, which is enough time to take some pictures. It offers a nice view of Osaka from different angles, therefore it’s worth a visit. A little curiosity – there is a lowest mountain in Japan over there, called Mount Tempozan. It’s peak is only 4,53 meters above the sea level (seriously) and there is a park on the top of it, witch a little harbor in the neighborhood.
SK: Tempozan Harbor Village je podobne ako Odaiba v Tokiu umelo vytvoreným ostrovom, na ktorom boli postavené atrakcie pre lokálnych ale aj turistov. Asi najznámejšou z nich je akvárium, ktoré na rozdiel od toho v Shinagawe aj stálo za to (a za 2300 yenov) a to aj napriek tomu, že žralok obrovský sa tam (na moje typické šťastie) v tejto dobe nenachádza. Hneď vedľa akvária je Tempozan Ferris Wheel, teda obdoba londýnskeho London Eye, kedysi to bolo najvyšší kolotoč na svete. V kontraste s ním je najnižší vrch v Japonsku – Mount Tempozan, ktorý má výšku iba 4,53 metra (nesrandujem). Fotky z akvária a z kolesa sú nafigu, dôvodom sú a) nemožnosť používať blesk a tripod + kopa behajúcich detí a b) zapackané okná na kabíne kolotoča.