EN: This museum called Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses is quite unique, but often overlooked by tourists and tourist guides. I only found it because I had a deep search on Japan Guide website, but most of the local paper guides did not even mention it, which is a real shame. There are many farm houses in the area which were taken apart and transported from various areas of Japan, all of them on one place, in Osaka. Several of them are a part of national cultural heritage, there is actually one farm house from the Nagano prefecture, which is the last one of its kind in the whole country. The good news is that all the descriptions are also in English and you can find plenty of information even inside of each house. There are several people working in these houses, once you get in, they are giving presentations of equipment and explain to visitors what it was like to be a farmer in those times – unfortunately only in Japanese. Although there was one member of staff, who spoke a little English and since my Japanese skills are rather poor, we were having a discussion in some kind of a gibberish. But eventually we exchanged quite a lot of information. If you like history and want to see how people in Japan lived in previous centuries, this is the place to go. The museum is located in the Ryokuchi Koen park, which is quite close to the Shin-Osaka station, but quite far from my apartment – it took almost 90 minutes to travel there and back. Plus, you need to have a walk from the station, which takes around 20 minutes one-way, but I guess most of the visitors will either use their own transport or take taxis. It was once again quite hot out there, but I do not regret this visit.
SK: Toto múzeum, teda Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses, je celkom unikátne, no pritom veľmi často prehliadané turistickými sprievodcami. Je to otvorené múzeum, v ktorom je niekoľko starých farmárskych domčekov z celého Japonska, ktoré boli vo svojich pôvodných miestach rozobraté a prinesené do Osaky. Niekoľko z nich patrí do národného kultúrneho dedičstva, jeden z nich je dokonca posledným svojho druhu (z farmárskej oblasti v okolí Nagana). Všade sú detailné popisy v angličtine, v niektorých z nich sedia dobovo oblečení zamestnanci, ktorí vysvetľujú ako všetko fungovalo a ako vlastne japonskí farmári v minulých storočiach žili. Ak máte radi históriu, toto je miesto, ktoré je potrebné navštíviť, pretože takú koncentráciu vidieckej histórie z celej krajiny nikde inde neuvidíte. Múzeum sa nachádza v parku Ryokuchi Koen, ktorý je relatívne blízko stanice Shin-Osaka, no relatívne ďaleko pre mňa, takže som strávil 80 minút iba cestovaním tam a späť. Nehovoriac o tom, že zo stanice je to ešte pekných 20 minút peši v peknej tridsiatkovej teplote na slnku…Ale neľutujem.