8. jún – Kyoto


EN: I visited Kyoto during my last 3 days in Osaka, which was probably a mad move. I was already tired and overfilled with all the temples and shrines and similar stuff after almost 3 months of traveling across the whole country, Kyoto could have been more impressive if I had visited it before. That didn’t happen, unfortunately. On the other hand, I really liked Inari Shrine (as seen in this anime show), which is well known for its long torii gate walks. I spent 2 days in Kyoto, I saw all the most important sights and that was the end of my chapter in Osaka – after 35 days I moved back to Tokyo, where I spend the last part of my holiday in Japan.

SK: Návšteva Kyota vyšla na posledné dni strávené v Osake, v tom čase som už mal popravde všetkých chrámov, svätýň a kadečoho podobného naozaj po skoro 3 mesiacoch dosť. Inari Shrine má aj napriek tomu svoju jedinečnosť hlavne vďaka chodníku, ktorý je strážený mnohými bránami Torii. Kyoto som skúmal 2 dni, videl som všetko, čo som vidieť chcel a podľa príručiek aj mal, takže to bolo uzavretie kapitoly týkajúcej sa Osaky. 10. júna som sa ešte na 4 dni presunul do Tokia,


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