Back in business – Wakkanai

EN: I am back in business, it seems. My blog was moved to a standalone server, since WordPress was not very helpful with my request to add additional space without upgrading to their business plan, which is a shame, but that is their decision. Now I will be able to upload photos with less limitations and better quality, at least I hope.

Anyway, I am on my holiday in Wakkanai, the northernmost place of Japan, Hokkaido island. I find this place a bit nostalgic, since it reminds me of home – at least temperature wise. When my friends were enjoying +36 in Tokyo, I was happily trudging around the city in +23, which is, according to my personal opinion, much more suitable for humans. I decided to run away from Tokyo’s all-time high record temperatures and thus Hokkaido became an ideal solution.

Wakkanai (which resembles Japanese “wakannai” for “i have no idea) is a small city in the north, which has close connections with Russia, especially when it comes to its history. It is an interesting place for few days, there are various sights around here, mostly related to its position on the map, but also nature. There are walks, tourist paths to explore and plenty of famous seafood (and I am very unfortunate to dislike it, coming from a landlocked country). Enjoy the first part.

SK: Vyzerá to tak, že som po dlhšom čase späť. Vzhľadom na neochotu WordPressu zvýšiť moju dátovú kapacitu som bol nútený presunúť svoj blog na nový hosting, kde mám miesta dosť. Vďaka tomu budem mať možnosť nahrávať fotky s vyššou kvalitou, aspoň dúfam.

Včera sa začala moja dovolenka na severe Japonska, na ostrove Hokkaidó, presnejšie v mestečku Wakkanai. V blízkosti sa nachádza aj najsevernejší cíp Japonska Cape Soya, toto miesto mi veľmi pripomína Slovensko, nie len prírodou, ale aj teplotami. Dnes bolo v Tokiu +36, pričom tu na severe som si užíval sympatických +21, čo je pre mňa osobne ideálna teplota. Práve preto som si vybral na dovolenku toto miesto, keďže hocikde inde v Ázii by som trpel. Užite si fotky.

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