EN: I guess it is quite clear that I really like flowers and flower festivals. Since plum trees and sakura trees in their full bloom are not really that much celebrated back in Europe, I am trying to enjoy those over here in Japan. Before the sakura season starts, people have a solid reason to get drunk and fed with festival food during ume matsuri – plum festivals, which usually take place close to the fields and parks covered with plum trees.
These tend to bloom around one month earlier than sakuras and thus offer nice chance to enjoy early spring and its flower magic – as in previous years I visited Jindai Botanical Gardens on my bike and enjoyed the festival to the fullest.
SK: Myslím, že moja záľuba v kvetoch je celkom jasná, na tomto webe posielam fotky plné farieb pravidelne. A keďže v Európe nie sú festivaly zakvitnutých čerešní a sliviek veľmi populárne, snažím sa to doháňať tu v Japonsku. Pred populárnou sezónou sakúr sa na viacerých miestach konajú festivaly zakvitnutých sliviek, ktoré majú taktiež svoje čaro a jeden z nich som navštívil – v botanickej záhrade Jindai. Keďže tá je relatívne blízko, spojil som fotografie kvetov s výletom na bicykli (asi 35km) a užil som si toto miesto naplno.