EN: Once again I am trying to update my site with all photo trips I did in previous months, being a bit late with everything. This one will be quite short – before my trip to Kawazu (post about this one will follow soon) I wanted to check out Miurakaigan – a seaside resort next to Kaneda Bay, southern from Yokosuka. It is a peninsula with various attractions and sights, but my main target was to see Kawazu sakura festival – I found out that this is one of the places closer to Tokyo with Kawazu sakura trees and this attracted me.
Unfortunately I arrived too soon – most of the sakura trees were before their blooming time, but I did not regret it, since I rented a bike and enjoyed the surroundings. It was quite windy and I was rather tired working the night before, so I did not visit all the places I wanted, but I will do it next time. Still a nice one-day trip away from Tokyo’s rush hours, which is sometimes really necessary, no matter how much I like this city.
SK: Opäť sa snažím aktualizovať svoj web, mám na disku viacero priečinkov s túrami a výletmi, ktoré sem plánujem nahrať. Tento výlet bol pomerne krátky a fotograficky som nebol veľmi činný – na Google som totiž našiel Miurakaigan – rezort vedľa zálivu Kaneda, ktorý mal podľa všetkého hostiť festival Kawazu sakúr. Tento fakt ma prilákal, no do mestečka som prišiel priskoro – festival sa síce odohrával, no samotné sakury boli ešte pred svojím plným rozkvetom.
V každom prípade má tento polostrov čo ponúknuť, požičal som si bicykel a trochu ho asi na 20km prebehol, bolo veterno a ja som bol po nočnej práci unavený, takže hoci som si to užil, vynechal som mnoho atrakcií a turistických miest. To znamená, že návštevu budem musieť zopakovať.