Picture selection 3

Eastern coast of Tokyo as seen from Odaiba
Eastern coast of Tokyo as seen from Odaiba

EN: This short selection was taken on Odaiba, the artificial island in Tokyo Bay. You can read more about it here. I found some more pictures from last year’s Anime Japan 2014, but since this year’s event already took place, I don’t want to cause confusion and therefore I will not publish them. Mind you – these photos were taken at the end of March, therefore the parks and trees were not as green as you could probably imagine them to be.

SK: Týchto niekoľko fotiek som urobil počas prvej návštevy umelo vytvoreného ostrova Odaiba v Tokiu, o ktorom sa môžete viac dočítať v tomto príspevku. Na disku som našiel aj niekoľko nových fotiek z podujatia Anime Japan 2014, no keďže sa už konala tohtoročná verzia, nechcem tu vytvárať zbytočný zmätok a preto ich radšej nepublikujem. Všetky tieto fotky boli spravené na konci marca, takže zeleň stále čaká na jar a stromy sú preto bez listov.

Interior of Tokyo Big Sight convention center
Interior of Tokyo Big Sight convention center
All of these were prepared for long lines of anime fans before the Anime Japan 2014 event
All of these were prepared for long lines of anime fans before the Anime Japan 2014 event
Tokyo Big Sight and the bridge connecting it to the monorail station
Tokyo Big Sight and the bridge connecting it to the monorail station
Massive saw in front of Tokyo Big Sight
Massive saw in front of Tokyo Big Sight
This is actually quite an interesting design for a chimney, it belongs to the Ariake Incineration Plant
This is actually quite an interesting design for a chimney, it belongs to the Ariake Incineration Plant
One of the monorail stations on Odaiba
One of the monorail stations on Odaiba
Daiba Park with Odaiba in the background
Daiba Park with Odaiba in the background
Daiba Park itself
Daiba Park itself
Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo in the background as seen from Daiba Park
Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo in the background as seen from Daiba Park
Rainbow Bridge as seen from Daiba Park
Rainbow Bridge as seen from Daiba Park
Somewhere on Odaiba
Somewhere on Odaiba

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