It’s been three months since I came back from Japan, there are several thins I would like to update:
Firstly, I am already translating the blog into English – I started with the earliest posts and it takes some time, so bear with me.
Secondly, English is not my mother language, therefore please highlight all the mistakes, if you are willing to do so. I will try to fix everything so it will look a little bit more professional.
Thirdly – I will add some more pictures in several new posts later on, there are things I did not publish, or the ones that I forgot to publish. It’s not much, but still, it will add some new places of interest and locations which you would probably want to see while in Japan.
Lastly – I will try to write a bit longer post, which will summarize all the advices and things to do / not to do in Japan, all of them gathered from my own experience. Since I traveled thousands of kilometers from the north to the south, including Okinawa, I believe I found out a lot of useful things, which can probably help someone visiting Japan in the future. It will not be as comprehensive as some of the other guides, but I hope it will help at least someone. There will be also a little map included with the places I visited. It will take some time, so as I had mentioned in the first part – please bear with me. Any comments are welcome.
Keďže od môjho návratu z Japonska uplynuli tri mesiace, chcel by som na blog pridať niekoľko noviniek:
V prvom rade – začal som svoje príspevky prekladať do angličtiny, tento proces som odštartoval tými najstaršími, takže to bude chvíľu trvať. Keďže angličtina samozrejme nie je mojím rodným jazykom, kedykoľvek nájdete nejakú chybu, upozornite ma a ja sa ju pokúsim čo najskôr opraviť.
Neskôr chcem pridať aj niekoľko fotiek, ktoré som z nejakého dôvodu vynechal, dokonca som zistil, že som úplne zabudol odoslať návštevu istej záhrady, takže aj to bude medzi novinkami.
V závere sa budem snažiť vyprodukovať dlhší príspevok, v ktorom zosumarizujem užitočné poznatky z návštevy Japonska, ktoré som zistil na vlastnej koži. Keďže som celú krajinu precestoval od severu na juh, myslím, že niekoľkými faktami predsa len niekomu môžem pomôcť. Všetko bude istú dobu trvať, takže buďte trpezliví. Akékoľvek komentáre sú vítané.