EN: This trip was a result of some lazy Google Maps search, I knew the weather on Saturday would be acceptable (writing this on Sunday, the weather is horrible just as forecasted), so I wanted to ride my bike to a place I had not visited before. I am actually running out of these, especially in the close (30km radius) vicinity of Nakano, where I live. I did not want to go to the same places I had already been to, so I checked the map and I found one interesting park rather close to Tama Lake, with some kind of a museum.
Well, once again, the weather was not ideal, but it was warm and just a little windy (compared to today, especially), so I did 62km and I guess the trip was worth it. I am not very much into airplanes and stuff like that, but since I was in the park, I decided to give it a go and I paid 510 yen for the admission, the museum is rather small (I think it is a bit smaller when compared with Imperial War Museum in London, at least when it comes to the size), but it contains the info in English as well (a rare thing, at least as far as I know) and it offers some interesting stuff to kill the time. I would say that this museum is mostly suitable for families with children, there are a lot of interactive features and corners which can keep the young ones occupied and informed at the same time.
SK: Tento výlet je výsledkom môjho náhodného prezerania Google Maps, pretože som vedel, že v sobotu bude relatívne prijateľné počasie (tento príspevok píšem v nedeľu, počasie je otrasné, daždivé so silným vetrom) a preto som chcel niekam zájsť na bicykli. Rozhodol som sa ale, že chcem ísť niekam, kde som predtým ešte nebol, čo v tejto fáze nie je jednoduché, keďže v blízkosti Nakana, kde bývam (v okruhu asi 30km) som už všetko prebrúsil. No našiel som jeden park, ktorý sa nachádza blízko jazera Tama a ktorý ma zaujal. Podľa popisu sa totiž v jednej z jeho častí nachádza múzeum lietadiel, takže som nasadol na bike a šiel som. Nie som práve veľkým fanúšikom lietadiel, no múzeum bolo predsa len zaujímavé, hoci nie najväčšie. Povedal by som, že je zamerané hlavne na mladších návštevníkov a rodiny, čo samozrejme nie je na škodu. Vyškrtol som si ďalšiu destináciu, asi ma v najbližších týždňoch čaká balenie bicykla do prenosnej tašky a návštevy okolia Tokia.