World Bonsai Convention


EN: As usually, the title says it all. There was (well, at the time of writing still going on) a World Bonsai Convention in Saitama, which is a place I know quite well and therefore I wasted no time and visited the Saitama Super Arena – the second largest indoor arena in the world.

I have always loved the bonsai and all the magic behind them, I read some books and other stuff about them. On the other note, as Wesley Snipes said in The Demolition Man – “Patience is not one of my virtues” and therefore the only thing I can do is to admire the results coming from other, more patient people. They were really worth it. You could still see the little pieces of wires and other tools used to shape the bonsai trees, some of them were 800 years old.

Also, you could actually buy quite a few of those. But as you probably guess, the prices were not low, there is a photo of one piece which was priced at 9 million Yen, which is roughly 75 000 Eur. Still, some of them were beautiful. Of course, thousands of people, in some cases it took 10-15 minutes of waiting to actually take a picture of some bonsai trees.

SK: Ako už titulka naznačuje, v Saitame sa konala svetová výstava bonsajov, ktoré sa mne osobne veľmi páčia. A keďže Saitamu tak trochu poznám, tak som nemeškal a vybral sa do Saitama Super Arény – druhej najväčšej krytej multifunkčnej haly na svete, kde sa konala spomínaná udalosť.

O bonsajoch som už aj čosi prečítal a niečo o nich viem, obdivoval som ich odjakživa a to platí aj o trpezlivosti ľudí, ktorí sa o ne starajú. Ja osobne nemám dostatok trpezlivosti na to, aby som sa s tým hral, okrem toho často cestujem a myslím si, že stromček by neprežil a to by bola veľká škoda. Preto som si iba užíval produkty iných ľudí, ktoré boli naozaj skvelé, niektoré z nich dokonca 800 rokov staré.

Áno, na výstave bola možnosť bonsaj si kúpiť, dokonca aj tie staršie. No ceny za bonsaje sú samozrejme vysoké, čo nie je vôbec prekvapivé, na jednej z fotiek je kúsok za 9 miliónov Yenov, čo je asi 75 000 Eur. Výstava bola naozaj zaujímavá, avšak niekedy som musel čakať aj 10-15 minút na to, aby som si niektorý z bonsajov mohol cvaknúť.

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