EN: Here it is. Autumn has finally reached Tokyo in its full colourful power and I could not miss the weekend of exploring. Of course, the spots where you can enjoy autumn colours do not change, so you cannot just go out and discover a “new” well-known place, unless you actually travel outside of the city and I did not have enough time and space for that. So I headed to Showa Kinen Koen park today (roughly 65km long ride) in a beautiful weather, which was unfortunately accompanied by a strong wind. Which was, of course, blowing against me all the time and when I was returning back home, it was blowing against me once again. Very nasty and it takes a bit more energy to pull my 2,25 inch tyres around the town.
Nevertheless, the autumn colours were beautiful. This is the time of the year (no. 2 after hanami), when Japan gets slightly mental and everyone takes autumn colour photos. I am fortunately a bit more crazy and therefore I headed to the park rather early, so I avoided the biggest crowds. When I was leaving at around 1PM, the queues were very long. I added just 5 photos from my trips yesterday and the day before, they were just 20-30km long warmups. Enjoy the autumn in Japan, at least via photos.
SK: Tak a je tu jeseň, konečne sa objavila aj v Tokiu. Takmer denne krásne, slnečné počasie, síce trochu chladnejšie (pre lokálnych je to už takmer zima, pre mňa osobne je to niečo ako babie leto), ale so všetkým prichádzajú aj známe jesenné farby. Je to ošiaľ, ktorý je po hanami druhým najpopulárnejším v krajine a ja som sa poddal tiež.
Dnes som sa vybral do tradičného parku pre farby Showa Kinen Koen, miesta s jesennými farbami sa totiž nemenia a nemôžete iba tak – mimochodom – objaviť nové miesto plné skvelých fotogenických miest. Tento park je známy a ponúka zaručený úspech, takže 65km výlet z domu stál za to. Vietor bol síce veľmi protivný a fúkal usilovne po celý čas proti mne, či už ráno pri ceste do parku, alebo späť, no prežil som to. Do parku som dorazil relatívne skoro, približne o 10 ráno (áno, pre lokálnych je to skoro), takže som sa vyhol obrovským davom, ktoré som videl pri mojom odchode približne o jednej popoludní. Pridal som aj niekoľko fotiek zo včerajška a dňa predtým, to som si dal iba 20+30km ako zácvik.