More bike trips


EN: Beautiful weather over here in Tokyo mixed with several days off I got granted from my boss resulted in so far 2 nice bike trips. Yesterday (Friday, the 3rd of November) I rode from my home to Tama lake, my usual destination, since there is a biking road over there without that many distractions. I guess you can spot the difference between this trip and the other one quite clearly. The Tama trip measured roughly 65km, although my Strava app did not record one particular segment for no apparent reason. Still, it was worth it, I have not been there for a while, there was some kind of a festival going on as well, so I checked that one out, I did not want to take photos over there, however, since it is not very polite.

Today I finally decided to ride to Odaiba – an artificial island in Tokyo bay, which is basically residential + entertainment district. This is the place where Tokyo Big Sight is located (Tokyo Motor Show, Anime Japan venue and many, many more events take place over there). It was roughly 50km from over here, not a bad ride, the weather was once again OK, although I did burn my face.

Fun fact: I was returning back to Shinjuku via Rainbow Bridge – the one that connects Odaiba with the mainland Tokyo. Notice the little wooden thingy on the rear wheel of my bike, it is supposed to force you not to actually ride it on the bridge, which has its paths mainly for the pedestrians, but you have to push it. Interesting idea – fortunately I read about it in advance, so I was not surprised.

P.S.: I know about the little marks on my photos. I cleaned my lens in the morning and my chip, but there is still something wrong, which is rather annoying.

SK: Krásne počasie v Tokiu spojené s faktom, že som opäť dostal od šéfa viac dní voľna, sa premietlo aj do dvoch ďalších výletov na bicykli. Včera (piatok, 3. novembra), som to opäť vytiahol k jazeru Tama, kde zvyčajne chodievam, pretože tam vedie cyklistický chodník. Myslím, že rozdiel vo fotkách medzi obomi výletmi je celkom viditeľný. Tento výlet meral asi 65km, moja aplikácia Strava z nejakého dôvodu nezarátala jeden segment, príčinu nepoznám. Stálo to za to, pri Tama som už dlho nebol a okrem toho sa tam konal jesenný festival, kde som síce nefotil, ale obzrel som si ho.

Dnes som sa konečne odhodlal k ceste na umelý ostrov Odaiba. Už som ho tu na blogu spomínal viackrát, je to rezidenčná a zábavná oblasť, v ktorej sa nachádza napríklad Tokyo Big Sight, teda miesto konania Tokyo Motor Show a Anime Japan, či iných podujatí počas roka. Tento krát to bolo asi 50km, počasie opäť super, tak trochu som sa spálil.

Zaujímavosť: Ak si všimnete malé drevené čudo s kolieskami na zadnom kolese môjho bicykla, vedzte, že ide o spôsob, ako zabrániť ľuďom s bicyklami, ktorí chcú prejsť cez most Rainbow Bridge, aby ho prebehli priamo na bajku. Týmto spôsobom ho môžete po chodníkoch iba tlačiť. Pri vstupe na most vám to na bicykel jeden strážnik namontuje a na druhom konci to ďalší odoberie. Zaujímavý systém. Našťastie som o tom vedel vopred, takže som tam nebol za hlúpeho.

P.S.: O fľakoch na fotkách viem, dnes ráno som čistil objektív a aj čip, no zjavne to nepomohlo a dosť mi to ide na nervy, musím nájsť riešenie.

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