EN: My sixth day in Tokyo was slow-paced as I was ill (which happens to me pretty much every time after traveling), therefore I decided not to use the local transport. I didn’t want to use the face cover which is widely used in Japan, so I stayed out of public areas, since the weather was rather nice, I decided to walk around Meguro river area, which is very popular during the hanami season. I met a new guest in our house from Scotland, some whiskey happened (which is very cheap in Japan) and since I felt better, we eventually ended up in Golden Gai district in Shinjuku, where we stayed until the morning. The rest of the story is not suitable for public…
SK: Šiesty deň v Tokiu bol v úvode nezaujímavý, už tradične po cestovaní som ochorel a práve preto som radšej nevyužíval MHD, keďže je to považované za neslušnosť. Namiesto toho som si dal asi 10 km dlhý trip pozdĺž rieky Meguro, ktorá bude čoskoro vďaka sakurám veľmi populárnym hanami miestom. Po návrate domov som zaľahol, no všetko sa zmenilo s príchodom nového hosťa (bývam v dome, ktorého izby sú prenajímané turistom) zo Škótska. Ten ma vytiahol do Shinjuku, kde sme až do rána vymetali bary a vďaka dohode s istými lokálnymi sa to s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou zopakuje aj dnes. Kanpai.