Koyo 2017 – Yoyogi


EN: Nice weather always makes people happier after typhoon – yap, we had another one over here, but this time not as powerful as Lan. I knew the good weather was upcoming, therefore I booked a day off from my work (I am very happy with my current employment and this is one of the reasons – I am flexible), took my bike and went to have a ride. I must admit the wind from the dying typhoon was still quite powerful and it was hard to ride in it, but I still enjoyed it. Not much, just 36km, but still – it seems that Koyo or autumn colours are already starting to appear even here in Tokyo, so I snapped some photos.

SK: Po tajfúne nasleduje vždy krásne počasie a dnešok nebol výnimkou – áno, mali sme tu ďalší tajfún, síce nie tak silný ako Lan, ale predsa. Vedel som, že bude pekne, takže som si v práci vybral voľno (pre toto ju mám rád, som úplne flexibilný a nemám 10 dní dovolenky ročne ako tunajší), nasadol som na bicykel a vydal sa na náhodnú jazdu. Vietor z tajfúnu tu bol stále a v nárazoch bol naozaj veľmi nepríjemný, išlo sa ťažko, no aj tak potrebujem zhodiť kilá a užíval som si to. Vyzerá to tak, že jesenné farby (Koyo) sa už objavujú aj v Tokiu, takže som cvakol niekoľko fotiek.

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